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When Debra Rubaum began her EES sessions she was struggling with a host of serious health conditions, including cluster migraine headaches, chronic inflammation and debilitating pain, Lyme disease, low energy, major digestive challenges, depression and asthma. In the few short months since Debbie has been coming in to the center(generally about twice/week) she has literally recovered her health to the point that she is now participating fully in life again--for the first time in decades!

In this interview, Diana Kuhlke describes how her depression has significantly improved since coming to the Oregon Energy Healing Center for EES sessions. 

Kiya Cote is a transformational teacher and healer who awakens people to their Higher Path in life.
She talks about how to use the Energy
Enhancement System to not only improve your physical and emotional health, but also to activate your ability to manifest changes in every aspect of your life including: creativity, career, relationships
and cultivating community.

According to Kiya, EES has the potential to dissolve "reality blocks." These are emotional energies and belief patterns that block us from having the life that we want. Once these blocks have been removed we are free to be our truly creative selves expanding our capacity to manifest the best life possible. 

An inspiring and Informative Interview with Vivian Engelsen, LAc. She is a very talented practitioner, licensed in acupuncture since 1984. She is an experienced acupuncturist, a student of Chinese medicine, herbal remedies and essential oils. Vivian has a very important take on the Enhanced Energy System due to her many years of studying various alternative modalities.

Trisha Kolker's Moving Story about her dramatic eyesight improvement. After six months of regular sessions her eyesight is actually improving across all standard markers. Her eye pressure is now in the normal range. Her peripheral vision has significantly improved and she is now seeing color for the first time in 7 years.

After several months of EES sessions, Jeremy Nash has reported his tremors have reduced 60-70% to the point where he rarely has them! Jeremy also reported that his energy is 75% better and he now has the energy he needs to get things done!   

Julie Chertow describes her experience getting off pain medication for a chronic bone infection after several EES sessions. 

I had the opportunity to interview one of our members, Suzanne Mark, a well respected Neurofeedback practitioner in Ashland. She reports on a dramatic improvement in her cognitive function after a series of sessions with the Energy Enhancement System.

Christine Savory tells her EES healing story after only five sessions. She got off high blood pressure medication, her knees are pain free and her eyesight has improved. 

Donna Schmid describes her remarkable health recovery from high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and being stuck in fight or flight sympathic overdrive after 2 sessions in the Energy Enhancement System. 

"I’ve been going to regular EES sessions for about 4 months now and I am truly astounded by the effects. For my first appointment, I intentionally chose to meditate and realized I was surprised by the ability to go into such a deep meditative state like I’ve only experienced in the presence of spiritual teachers and a qigong master.

In the beginning weeks~month, I noticed old memories sometimes resurfacing. It was surprising and definitely related to the EES sessions. Now, in reflection, I think that because our bodies hold memories and experiences or trauma, the sessions were allowing a deep cleansing experience on multiple levels: physical, mental and emotional. Now, 4 months into regular sessions, I realize the cumulative effects are much like when I started a consistent qigong practice. At first, physical issues resolved and now I have an increasing awareness of the mental, emotional and spiritual benefits.

The sessions have resolved a one year hiatus hernia issue, my eyesight has improved, I have better sleep, increased energy, less mood swings or irritability, more loving kindness towards myself and others, a more consistent feeling of being at peace, and a heightened sense of intuition. I'm also more aware of my thoughts and able to edit them in alignment with higher purpose. I have more energy and focus and know that I’m accomplishing much more than I would have without EES. It's as if all these layers of time, stress, trauma and dysfunction have been washed away, allowing me to remember and be my more true self again.

In an attempt to describe the experience, it is difficult to contain with words, but there is a sense of dissolving time and increasing spaciousness that allows for an expansiveness that is unifying with all life.

I’ve also noticed that (just like other practices) the more regular my sessions, the greater the results. So, I consistently go to sessions 2-3 times a week. I am immensely grateful for this technology and all who have assisted in making it accessible!"

K. Porter


I originally came to your EE System to help me with my Lyme disease. …. I have struggled  with my health the past 25 years. Symptoms where inflammation with a strong reaction to the digestion of food. Cluster migraines with 3 to 4 days being in bed with vomiting and diarrhea. My vision was greatly effected as I could not see out of my left eye. I also have struggled with fungus in toes.


Since coming to the EE System I have no more migraines, diarrhea and vomiting. My fungus in my toes is truly amazing to see clear nails as they regrow to a normal nail. I have had such a struggle with food. Pretty much living on baby food. Since coming to EE System I have regained the ability to eat more foods. I could not break 100lbs for the last 15 years. I am now at 118lbs. Which truly is a gift. I have hope in growing old with out the daily suffering. Yes I have been diagnosed with many other conditions over the years. i now know there is hope.  But truly do not understand how this works completely but I am grateful to have been introduced to the EE System. I also am sleeping which I struggled with the last decade. My eyesight is another perk as my prescription glasses are not a necessity anymore. These are my experiences and by no means made up. I have shared with my Doctors these miracles of healing. After about 20 sessions with the EE System did I encounter the bigger healing. Hoping to get a hundred hours in.  Then I am going to have my Lyme test to see if I still have the disease. I believe this will conquer any issues that come at me.


Thank you, Debbie Rubaum

"I feel like this is the most powerful healing therapy I have ever done in my whole life. In these sessions I feel a sense of peace and well-being that I have never before experienced." 

Vivian E.

"The Oregon Energy Healing Center is a lovely space and conductive to a peaceful healing experience. The quiet time reintroduced me to my own inner landscape. This allowed integration of higher vibrations, interests, and intuitive guidance. Your sessions helped heal my knee replacement. Especially the last session, as the wound below the stitches was deep and had been reopening, by evening it had scabbed over and has been healing well ever since. I thank you. Additionally, I feel good! The effects are cumulative. I feel aspects of myself are more integrated. There is less confusion and more focus. I feel mentally fresh and optimistic. I am excited to come again. It is a lovely peaceful place. May it prosper and serve many. That is wonderful! I can’t thank you enough."

J. Hall, Ashland, OR

"My experience with the EES was very positive.  I call this technology "Time Release Evolution."  The 2 hours I spent at the Center were so relaxing and rejuvenating.  The effects were long lasting and so helpful. If there was a way to articulate the feeling it would be:" Liquid, magnetic, easeful and helpful"  Well worth the investment."


Julianna Forgione


"Whenever I spend time in the chamber I experience more humanness--more of my spiritual being. It allows me to operate at peak performance. It allows me to feel physically stronger every time. I am aware of more mental clarity. My mother had an extraordinary experience. As a young woman fleeing the Nazi persecution, she got severe frostbite. She experienced extreme circulatory problems leading to many other problems. Recently she was rushed to the hospital with digestive failure. She was not able to eat and couldn't be stabilized. The worst was feared for her survival. With no other options available, we put her in the EESystem, but thinking it might be too late. After the first 5 minutes she was free of pain. She was able to eat for days afterward and continued to improve when she spent time in the system. She has a new lease on life."

Doug Ivanovich, Professional broadcaster and keynote speaker for the National Broadcasting Association.

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