Immersion Program
Relax, Recharge, Regenerate!

Immersion Program
We are proud to present a newly designed Immersion Program for our members based on two years of research into what works best for the maximum healing benefit while making it easier on the pocketbook of our members.
When we first started looking into the EE System in the summer of 2022 we called EE healing centers around the US and spoke with a wide variety of owners. The healing stories we heard were remarkable.
One owner told us that he had witnessed remission of chronic degenerative health conditions* that had no medical cures. He told me that “logging the hours” was the key to improving outcomes. His estimate was that, for these serious maladies, in order to have an effective impact, clients needed an average of 16 hours a week in the EE System for about 3 to 6 months.
The second case that inspired us to create our Immersion program involved a friend of mine who lived in Boulder, Colorado. He was able to reduce his Parkinson’s symptoms (including tremors) by 70% by logging an average of 8 to 10 hours per week for two months in a nearby EE System. You can find his video testimonial on our testimonial page under “EES interview with Jeremy on Parkinson’s”.
Although we cannot make any claims that the EE System cures any disease, we can say that your body has the inherent intelligence it needs to heal itself. If you provide your body with the energy, information and raw materials it needs to regenerate and heal, you can begin to see results that may change your life.
Up to 32 two-hour sessions/month
At this time, we are limiting this program to the first 8 members that sign up
Cannot be shared with another member
Who is this program for?
Those who plan to do at least 3-4 EES sessions/week for at least 1-3 months*, and
Those who are either working to resolve a chronic health issue or are committed to a breakthrough in an important area of their life.
Level 1: 1st month $595 –up to 32 two-hour sessions
Level 2: 2nd month $495 – Must have completed level 1 to purchase this plan.
(Up to 32 two-hour sessions)
Level 3: 3rd month $395 – Must have completed Levels 1 and 2 to purchase this plan up to 32 two-hour sessions
After completing level 3 you have the option to continue on a month-to-month basis for up to 3 additional months at $395 for each month.
Call or email us to sign up!
(541) 897-0496
For directions to the Center, see this google map
* Research and Case studies have shown that 100-300 hours in the EE system over a 3-6 month period increases your chances of recovering from chronic health conditions.