Common Law Concepts
Common Law Concepts,
a Private Unincorporated Limited Liability Association
Common Law Concepts (“CLC”) was established to assist wellness and other practitioners in understanding the double-layered society in which we live. Our services are educational in nature. This country embraces both common law (originated in England after the Norman Conquest in 1066; Magna Carta in 1215; Constitution of the United States of America) and civil or statutory law (also known as Roman law - Corpus Juris Civilis, commissioned by Emperor Justinian in the 6th century AD; further developed in Europe over the centuries). Civil law systems are characterized by comprehensive legal codes, a strong emphasis on written law rather than judicial precedent, and the use of professional judges rather than juries.
Operating in the private realm can remove the practitioner from the many restrictions of statutory codes and regulations. We are born into common law and can choose to remain there.
In a well-constituted practitioner business structure, the wellness or other operations are carried out solely in the private sector (private unincorporated limited liability ASSOCIATION), while the equitable responsibilities are shouldered by a normal statutory entity (an LLC or other statutory entity) that functions as the Association sponsor and which receives income in return for what it provides to the Association and pays whatever taxes are owed. This hybrid structure best satisfies the needs of both the practitioner and the federal government. The Association has no tax liability as it has no income, but is free to operate in the private realm without the usual restrictions. Our limited liability association concept also handles the liability issues that come with operating a practice.
It should be explicitly said that the association structuring taught by Common Law Concepts is focused upon permitting and protecting activities within the private domain. It is not a tax strategy.
Within this hybrid concept there are variations according to the situation at hand and the orientation of the people involved. We would be happy to work with you to identify the proper structure for your practice. Please contact us to begin the process. A membership in the CLC association ($30.00) is required. Our “Association Course” includes all of the structuring templates you will need to draft, start and run your own association.
James Jordan, J.D.
Who We Are
James Jordan, J.D.
Jim is a 1986 graduate of Loyola University School of Law. He was licensed to practice law in the state of Illinois from 1987-1993. He had a private practice in Chicago during those years. During the 1980s Jim struggled with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and was drawn to natural healing to resolve his health challenges.
In 1997 Jim became a certified Nutritional Consultant and founded Create Vibrant Health specializing in Live Blood Microscopy, Metabolic Typing and Bioenergetic Wellness. From 1999-2003 Jim was an associate practitioner at the Optimal Wellness Center in Chicago, Illinois, working with Dr. Joseph Mercola.
In the early 2000s Jim started teaching Legal Guidelines for the Natural Healthcare Practitioner which emphasized Constitutional and Common Law approaches to establish and protect one’s practice from state licensing board and government regulatory overreach. He has taught this course through Create Vibrant Health and as a faculty member of Biomedx, a Microscopy and Functional Medicine Training company.
In 2023 Jim, along with his partner Jewel Baldwin, and several other partners opened The Oregon Energy Healing Center in Talent Oregon which was the first EES Center in the State of Oregon.
​In 2024, Jim opened Common Law Concepts, LLC to support other EES Center owners and natural healthcare practitioners in their education of Constitutional and Common law principles and legal structures.
Jim is the author of “Your Health is in Your Hands: The Three Reasons you are not well and what to do about it”